Noosa Said Yes
Noosa has declared its independence from the Regional Council in the most decisive way with over 80% of voters shouting YES on Saturday the 9th of March.
The result was an illustration of ‘People Power' working together to rectify a wrong imposed upon us, against our will, by an out of touch former government. By removing Noosa's council of over 100 years our democratic right to elect a council representing the interests of Noosa and its residents was taken in one fell swoop. Yet some said "get on with it and make the best of a raw deal'. Fortunately the Noosa community thought otherwise and over the past 6 years have fought for the return of their democratic right to self govern.
During the latter stages of the campaign virtually all local associations and organisations came out in support of our final objective, the return of Noosa's council. During my days with Budget we displayed a sign saying "Teamwork to take us to the top" and never was this more applicable than in our campaign to get the council back.
The hundreds of volunteers who have played such a significant role in this victory, I can only say thank you thank you thank you because without you we wouldn't have succeeded.
For me to personally witnessing the enthusiastic happy crowd that came to cast their vote on Saturday was reward in its self for it demonstrated the old Noosa spirit was alive and well. Happy voters, their kids and dogs descended upon the polling booths laughing and sharing their excitement with friends and neighbors like it was Show Day. Only bigger and better.
The other interesting aspect of this poll that really blew me away was the enthusiasm of the young and first time voters. We were led to believe this demographic was apathetic and couldn't care less about the restoration of our council. Well let me tell you this wasn't the case at all. They cared and expressed themselves accordingly. Never underestimate our youth.
Throughout our campaign we have been so fortunate to have the support of our media, the two local papers and Community Radio. They all played a valuable part in enabling us to get a clear and concise message across to all. From Friends of Noosa's perspective we must profusely thank the team at Noosa Today, our independent newspaper, for their support and in particular allowing me the space to publish a weekly article dealing with issues relating to de-amalgamation.
We are also deeply grateful to over 200 FON members who made financial donations enabling us to run a comprehensive marketing campaign utilizing television, radio and press over the final weeks of the campaign.
Finally, my most important thanks go to each and every one of you who cast your ballot in this historic election. You were given the opportunity to determine Noosa's future and after weighing up all the facts came down on preserving this wonderful place for future generations. Well-done Noosa.
Now all we have to do is ensure we create the worlds best council and we shouldn't settle for anything less.
Bob Ansett
Friends of Noosa
Bob Ansett was interviewed recently on Sky News, on the Business Channel
Bob Ansett in the ABC-hosted debate on De-amalgamation, held on the Sunshine Coast. Bob and 'Friends of Noosa' went on to win victory in a historic vote in March 2013 that saw a landslide 80% in favour. Read more.